Hey there!
So Pico Day was a thing that happened over the weekend, and I have a lot to show for it! I met some really amazing people, and some were nice enough to draw in my sketchbook! I met a lot of incredible artists, and in general Pico Day was a really fun way to relax before finals. Yeah, so I think I'm gonna go next year too ;D
Anyways, without further ado, here is the contents of my sketchbook from this weekend! (Warning - a LOT of pages)
PAGE 1 - Cover :)
PAGE 2 - @jackdcurleo and @Flikkernicht
PAGE 4 - @cecameron, @SuperPhil-SH, and @lovingthedark
PAGE 5 - @HowardWimshurst, @lepy, @ethanalways, @raziberry, and two others I don't know
PAGE 6 - @Jaxxy :D, also some of my stuff while bored (including fanart, kinda NSFW)
PAGE 7 - @cosmicdeath! and @thewillyboo
PAGE 8 - @Bill-Premo who blew my mind
PAGE 9 - @lovingthedark being Pollock-esque
PAGE 13 - some morning-after stuff I did on a blank page in between others' doodles
PAGE 14 - @sherbalex! I got to watch him draw all day and it was awesome!
PAGE 15 - @rhunyc! What a pleasant surprise!
PAGE 17 - @Theonewithoutaname again!
PAGE 18 - @Theonewithoutaname again again!
PAGE 20 - @jackdcurleo sketches
PAGE 22 - @pikapetey again!
PAGE 24 - @sabtastic yoooo
PAGE 25 - @luis, @johnnyutah, @wadefulp, @tomfulp, @01010111, @tyler
PAGE 26 - @yurgenburgen, @vidgamedude ("don't drink, even if your parents are Irish-Russian bangers" sage advice)
PAGE 29 - @Justizzle, @notcrispy
PAGE 30 - A kind stranger who drew this while I was watching some peeps play videogames the next morning
Phew! That's it! If you recognize any of the drawings that I didn't credit, definitely let me know so I can add them to this!
Thank you guys so much for an awesome Pico Day, and I hope I'll see you again!
oh god, that was one of my more drunker drawings. they are soo bad!