yeah Okami the Fox :P lol white fox red marking
really nice art good story combat... meh could use some work
yeah Okami the Fox :P lol white fox red marking
really nice art good story combat... meh could use some work
thats deep :) good job
it was okay
good concept
but when you died my it kept freezing :\
i agree with MagicalSarai - you need to add music and get rid of the stupid questions like "think of a question" the firt two questions were okay but the rest - just annoying. and the whole "pick the smallest dot" thing has been copied since the beginning of time so get something more original
Dear PPL thanks for the reviews
i can see now that the game isn't good enough so just give me some time so i can fix it and plz dont give me any more reviews just give me some time...
the changes will be done... :D
when i finnish i will make an update it will be called Random Quiz Demo *Updete*
holy crap
that was amazing
its ok
eh nothing special in my opinion
it was hard to tell who was who
and even harder to hit only the thugs
ya it did give me shivers
good music :P kept expecting something to pop out at me whenever i turned
the only thing is at the very end i didnt like that it was a robot >:( shoulda been some badass alien!!! :P good game though
Maybe in the next one?...Maybe not ;-)
thanks that really helped a ton!
i grabbed one of my b & w sketches and it turned out great!
thanks again!!!!!!!
"I drinked way too a lot last night"? skillz :P
wow if hes the most handsome kid in school those guys must be ugllllyyy! lol good game
I art. Sometimes I take requests.
Joined on 1/15/07